In the same place I wallow
Surely, the strength lay within me
So on I stuggle
but it is one step forward
two steps back
and just
when it seems
my grip shall be loosed
an outstretched hand
with what little nerve I have left
so my hands rises to meet
and with the strength of mountains personified
you hoist me to safety
and the precipice is no more
with no other recourse
into your arms I collapse
and to the safety of whenever forever
you nurse my iniquities
till again my aspirations aspire
and I abandon the hut on the peak
to scale the mountain alone
as is my lot
not quite making it
you still come to my aide
and like a wayward son
I succour in your graces
were it not that I could free myself from the foolhardy adventure
I would stay in your peace forever
but I am a man
and you are shining light
Nice song
Jesse Q. Screed