I apologize for even commenting Reece considering you replied to everyone but me. Hey man, I have nothing against you, and maybe you do towards me because of the past and some bad times I had with replies I made toward everything years ago. That's okay, I wish you the best man.
I meant well, and what I said I really meant. But apparently you were looking to hear the critics who said nothing but point out FLAWS in your song and singing in a way to try and use them to improve your song. I understand, that's okay. I wish you well always because even though I don't know you, never met you, religion aside, you seem like a genuinely good person with all the help you have took the time to give to others over the years.
Apologies all around for just replying. Wish you the best!
Bobby - I'm working on a revision based on some of the comments above but I haven't had time to finish the revision because I've been very busy with other things that unfortunately take priority over fine tuning this mix. I haven't responded to you or several people on here yet because I haven't had time to fix the mix, so I didn't see any point in responding until I had something to respond with.
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was not intentional.
for everyone: I'm working on making some minor adjustments based on the comments and suggestions. I'll post a new revision as soon as I am able. April is a very busy month for me!
thank you very much everyone for commenting and suggesting! I promise they are all well received and not ignored!
Apologies to you Reece! I'm sorry, I have been off the forums for a long bit of time now and forgot how these song post go. No offense meant. Honestly I think you are the best singer on here because you have a pure voice and are not someone trying to reach levels they can't. JUST MY OPINION.
Either way, I look forward to hearing your new version, and to be honest the mix you have now after hearing it a couple time : "I LIKE IT!". Because it does have a raw sound.
Analog sound = RAW SOUND in my opinion. I grew up listening to vinyl records and even to this day I think it's the best. There's nothing anybody can do with digital manipulation to make anything realistically sound like a VINYL record. Yeah they can use frequencies and call it that, but it will never capture the real sound of ANALOG sounds. Just my opinion.
Always great to hear you sing and perform Mr Beagle/Reece! You have done so much to help others over the years with Daw Issues and other things on these forums. Especially me!
Thank you sir! And however you re-do this one, where your voice goes, my advice would be just add an EQ and raise the treble and lower the middle and keep the bass as is. JMO.
Take care man! Keep on KEEPIN ON!