Just a note; when Sean speaks of comping the vocal, I actually did less than he probably realizes. Sean always lays down a Scratch Vocal Track. I wish I could lay down Scratches that sound this good. Many times in the past couple of years, I have mentioned that we could actually go with the scratch as the finished vocal, they sound that good. Typically though, he still goes for what he considers a Finished Vocal Track.
On this song, Sean also did a Scratch and a Finished Vocal track later. At mix time, when I compared the two, I mention to Sean that there were many parts of the Scratch that I actually liked better than the newer vocal. He graciously gave me permission to do some comping on them, though he hates to do that. In all honesty, I used about 75% of the Scratch track and only comped in a few phrases, that I happened to think sounded better. For me, it was the energy and fluidity of the scratch that I liked best. It sounded very effortless and more emotional.