These are some of the dialog choices that may cause surprise if you are not familiar with the choices:
Mix Enables
As default, each of the Mix Enables options is checked, meaning that your mixdown will sound the same as playback. You can check or uncheck each of the following settings to include or exclude them from the mix:

Track Mute/Solo. If you check this option, tracks that are currently muted are not mixed down. Also with this option checked, if any tracks are soloed, only those tracks are included in the mixdown.

Bus Mute/Solo. If you check this option, buses that are currently muted are not mixed down. Also with this option, if any buses are soloed, only the buses soloed are included in the mixdown.

Track Automation. If you don’t check this option, any volume and pan automation, including initial volume and pan settings, is ignored when creating the new track(s). The amplitude of the raw data in the tracks is used, and the pan is C, or centered.

Clip Automation. If you don’t check this option, any clip automation, including any trim settings, is ignored when creating the new track(s).

Bus Automation

FX Automation

Track FX. If you don’t check this option, any effects patched into various tracks’ patch points, including any plug-in synthesizers patched into track fx patch points, are ignored when creating the new track(s).

Bus FX. If you don’t check this option, any effects patched into buses, including any plug-in synthesizers patched into buses, are ignored when creating the new track(s).