Of course, if automation recording wasn't crapping out on me I'd probably be able to keep/use the stealthpedal.
Kevin, I hope you are still following this thread.
I don't have any answers, but I do have plenty of questions. Maybe, if we ask the right question, we can get this resolved.
Since you are wanting to record the output to another track, I am guessing that you are able to play your guitar through Amplitube and hear the effect of the Stealth pedal. Is that Correct?
Yet, when you attempt to record automation, communication is quickly lost. Why?
If your hardware/software is not communicating on the front end, recording the back end won't get you anywhere.
I don't have a Stealth pedal, so I am just throwing some ideas out here.
From what I can see, it seems that the Stealth pedal is sending MIDI CC messages, which should be interpreted by Amplitube. This should be no different from the messages from the knobs and sliders on a controller.
Does the Stealth pedal need to be recognized as a Control Surface? If so, is it?
Does Amplitube need to be configured as a synth to respond to MIDI CC?
The Audiobox and the Stealth pedal are both interfaces. Could there be a conflict there? In particular, I'm thinking ASIO mode, which allows only one active interface at a time.
I noticed there is no audio in track 1. Could that be a factor or a clue?
This could be a simple configuration/ routing problem.
With luck, these questions may spark some ideas from someone smarter than myself.
Don't scrap that pedal just yet.