I was trying to do the same thing and couldn't figure out how to do it either. Turns out it doesn't work that way. Cannot record the activity in SI to a midi track. Seems to me it should do that, I thought that's what it was for! Apparently not.
However, I set my recording device to "stereo mix" and armed an audio track and recorded my SI Drum playing as an audio track. Still sounds like drums!
"Stereo Mix" did not appear on my list of input devices initially .. I had to right click in the windows "Sounds" window and click "show all disabled devices" then right clicked on "Stereo Mix" and clicked "enable" .. works like a charm now.
You are correct in that it doesn't work that way. Many synths provide some way to trigger them in the synth GUI. This triggers the sound directly, and bypasses the MIDI track. It is for auditioning your sound. You cannot record MIDI from the GUI of any synth.
As you have discovered, Stereo Mix will record the
audio output of your synth as you play from the GUI control.
Here's the drawbacks:
You lose all benefits of recording MIDI.
If you have other tracks playing, they will also be recorded to your audio track.
If you are using the metronome, it will be recorded to your audio track.
Stereo Mix, aka What You Hear, should really be avoided.
Your best bet is to learn how to drag and drop patterns and work with the PRV.
If you want to do real time recording with soft synths, a controller of some kind is a must.