Hello fellow Cakewalk program users
I'm looking to get some advice on recording/techniques, ideas and suggestions.
I am currently working on my second album and I'm try and get it to sound as good as possible.
Here is one song I have done, it's an instrumental. (
Programs used:
Sonar x2
Amplitube 3 (rhythm, lead and bass guitars)
ezdrummer (metal machine, TAMA drum setup)
My current mix settings are:
Rhythm Guitars are double tracked, 80% left and right.
Bass Guitar is 20% left
Drums are 20% right
Lead Guitar is 0% (Center)
I added EQ with prochannel to the Guitars and drums.
I added compression with prochannel to the drums to give them more life.
I'm needing some fresh ears to listen to this track.
I'm wondering if I should try and get the bass and drums to the center or
maybe pan them out more? Should I add compression to the guitars,
and how would I go about doing that? I can hear the compression changing the drums, but
when it comes to guitars I can't hear much of a change at all.
If you have any suggestions, comments or advice I would love to hear them.