OK... so here's the link to the mix
https://www.box.com/s/jzmsjresxbiomewapriv Now.... here's what I did.
After importing all the tracks and normalizing the waves. I added a stereo bus and inserted Acme Bar Gig's Shred (free guitar sim) and routed the 4 guitar tracks
to the bus.
On bass I used Ozone 4 with only a parametric & multiband exciter....
On drums I used Ozone 4 with Loudness, multiband exciter, and multiband compressor as well as the cake comp/gate on a drum setting.
On the lead I used amplitube
The master bus has studio verb 2 with Ozone using a general "country song" custom preset I use for just about everything I do.
Bass & drums are a few db below 0db.... The bass could probably have been dropped a few more db and still sounded OK.... but this is a quick mix so I'm
not sweating it too much.
The 4 guitars are down to -6db (except G2... I forgot to pull it down in the mix) but G2 doesn't sound that far off.... just keep that in mind. All 4 are sent to the
guitar bus with Shred in it. I did that since the guitar tracks do not play at the same time.
Lead is down about -7db
Guitar bus is -7db and the master is -5db and the output to the interface is -1.3db... and it's a loud mix.
Nothing is panned.... it's all dials straight up the center. Looks like the tracks were recorded as panned... so I left that alone.
I really like that sound of the bass..... very cool... almost like a Rickenbacher.
Anyway... that is the mix. It took me about 30 minutes total to load it up and export this mix.