Herb, myself and
Danny have all done good mixes on this and the thing that is common to all three is the clarity and punch with the drums and bass.
Danny's is a great example of the how the rhythm guitars sound when they are pushed much harder. (
Herb's mix has got pretty distorted rhythms gtrs too) Mine is obviously holding back with the rhythm gtrs. Too much I agree, now hearing
Danny's mix for example.
Danny makes a good point forgetting the rock mentality and thinking much more metal, something I do not do normally. I have recorded many great metal guitarists but the sound came right from them at the start so I did not have to create it myself so much.
Danny we did find his levels were all pretty low for sure. But I think he has sorted that out. The waveforms did not even show up until I normalised the tracks as well. At first I thought I had imported flat line or silence in all the tracks.
This has been good for me too and what it has done is get me right into using distortion plugins and making good sounding distorted guitars from clean recordings. It has got me trying out all the various guitar effects that I have and really nailing it down to the ones that sound the best. It is interesting how different they can all sound and how some don't sound so great and others really sound great.
(Headcase is very good I love it) Distortion can add so much on other things like synths sounds and pads etc if used the right way. One can get a fair bit of colour and attitude when using distortion which I find very interesting.
I think the OP has got some great mixes now to work with and can use as a reference. The way
Herb approached it in his post above is pretty well how I did it too. I will have another shot at getting the rhythm gtrs happening a bit more and repost that up on Soundcloud as well.
Danny really knows how to push something like
Headcase around. I am still getting used to it's gain structure which I am finding slightly strange. There are several places where one can alter the gain at various points in the signal chain.