I always get carried away! I'm rethinking this a bit. Maybe the original thought of either a Drawer 4 ch, the dbx 1046 or the Rane C4 to get some unobtrusive compression and limiting for tracking. The UAD gear can be on the horizon and a WA76 or two after that. Baby steps! I'm sure the UAD gear is better than the VSTs I have now, but frankly, the limiting factor now is me not the VSTs.
To be honest hg, you really don't need anything spectacular as far as outboard comps go other than if you are trying to go for coloration. Like I said before, the coloration thing is just another flavor, it's not a necessity for everyone. I personally like to "color" my tracks once they are in Sonar...but only if I NEED to. See the way I do things, what I create and what I print usually remains the same.
Meaning, what I record will not change drastically with any coloration other than something that was meant to be colored for a special effect etc. I like the clean pure sound of what I put into my DAW or I wouldn't track it, know what I mean? So a coloration compressor isn't something that I always need, nor do I use it often, but I do have a few. My preference for compression going in is usually something cheap believe it or not because like I said before, I'm just using the outboard compressors to condition my signal a little.
For example, I like to take all my signals in at -6 dB peak. Whether that's right or wrong in the eyes of others, that is what I prefer and what I feel works the best for me. Now, if I used no compression at all going in, I'd still get -6 dB peak, but it wouldn't look or sound as consistent as it would if I comped a little at say 2:1 removing about -2dB of gain. We're not trying to squash anything here, just condition the signal a little more for consistency because to me, that little bit really makes a difference. From there, the compression I use from UAD, Sonar or whatever I choose, doesn't work as hard and will actually compliment the sound.
Could I not use the outboard comp and get the same results from the comps in Sonar? Yeah, but things will behave a little differently and I've just always liked the sound of a lightly comped track more so than no comp at all going in. If you are thinking of comping like I am, just about any compressor with threshold, attack, release and ratio will work. Me and 2 other engineers (1 is pretty credible that a lot of people would know) have a little secret we happened to share with each other. When we shared it, we cracked up and swore we'd never tell.
I'm willing to tell because my reputation isn't as known as theirs. LOL! But a lot of my conditioning compression going to disc comes from a few *gulp* Behringer Multicom 2400's and some dbx 163 over-easy comps. For the conditioning thing, they just work well for us. We barely use enough...but without them you can tell a difference. I have a few Drawmer comps in the studio. They are awesome and to me, definitely some of the best comps I've ever used. BUT...I'm not crazy about them for the "conditioning thing" I do. The reason being, the Drawmer comes to life when you jump on it. This is how it gets its sound. I don't want "its sound" at this point, know what I mean? This is the thing Mike was sort of referring to when he mentioned "coloration". There are times when you may not want that...and to me, this is one of those times. I don't need "the Drawmer sound" on my guitar tracks....I like them just the way they are. There's just something (and I wish I could put my finger on it) that these stupid Behringer and dbx 163 pieces do when used lightly that fits what I do going to disc. (and I never clip anything accidentally while using them)
That said, the Sonitus compressor is awesome and a comp that I STILL use all the time even though I'm stocked up with killer comps from UAD, Waves and the Sonar higher end plugs that are in PC. The Sonar plugs in my opinion, are awesome. I use them as often as possible other than when I want a little coloration.
Now there's that "coloration" word again. In THIS scenario, there are times when I want the sound a particular compressor will give me color wise. This is where the UAD stuff shines. I love the sound of the Fatso...nothing else sounds like it. I love the sound of the NEVE 1081's coupled with the NEVE 33609 compressor. These comps get used on instruments that sound great due to the enhancement they can bring into the mix. There's just something different about the UAD stuff to my ears just by having it on the track. Though it may be mind over matter, it sure does make a difference to me to where I can tell when I forgot to use something I may always use on a track.
But in all honesty, you should be able to get great results with the plugs you have stock in Sonar. I have done many projects with nothing other than Sonar plugs. Did they sound worse than when I use my go to plugs? No, just different really. Between the Sonitus stuff and the Pro Channel plugs...you should be fine. If you want a little coloration with a different sort of sound after you print, UAD will be awesome. If you'd like to condition your sound going to disc, just about anything will work. If you want coloration going to disc, you need a compressor with a personality that is known for coloration....and some of these, can cost a decent amount of money. Other times you can get lucky with cheaper stuff. That's really the best way to sum it all up. Good luck.