First of all fine job!
Once you have solid performances, so much of production and mixing is "personal" taste.
I think Dan was giving you good advise, vis-a-vis, double tracking the rhythm guitar.
I would say certainly in the intro, and pan the synth to the center, maybe the synth gets a bit of verb
to pull it back some, as the slide comes in.
Once the verse starts, its really all about your gut instinct.
The synth changes and then at the chorus the piano comes in; no need for the guitar to be spread then.
On my phone I thought the slide on the "call and response" with the vocal was a little "hot".
On my Bose cans I really didn't notice it, but the bass (on the Bose cans) seemed a bit too much.
I thought it was masking the whole kit, not just the kick.
Nicely done!