First of all my apologies for being so tardy in responding. The past couple of months have been unreasonably busy.
Hi Bjorn. You are right about the lyrics. Most of what I described, in this number, I have seen in my lifetime -- changes and all. That has the disadvantage of making me feel terribly old

. Ya, probably some of these observations are written up in history books by this time. Thanks for responding and for your kind comments.
Hi Adrian. Thank you for your sentiments concerning my friend Tom. You are right about the effects on the vocals. There is a touch of reverb on the BGV's. I really like reverb and tend to misuse it. Usually, what I think is just a touch is often too much. I appreciate your response and comments. Thanks.
Hey John. Thanks for taking the time to listen and respond. I very much appreciate your encouragement. Thank you for your sentiments concerning Tom.
Hey Tom. I really like the recent DT song post. It is an excellent number my friend. Thanks for your encouragement concerning this song and for your kind comments about the loss of my long-time friend.