Forgive me if this suggestion is listed elsewhere but I could not find it. Please add the ability to select a measure and either:
1. Add empty measures automatically moving all tracks (Example - at the end of measure 5 add 5 additional measures and the audio/midi at measure 6 will now be at measure 11 with blank measures in between)
2. Remove specified measures (Example - you decide that you want to cut the first chorus in half so you tell it to delete measures 5 - 11 and the audio/midi at measure 11 moves to line up at the end of measure 5)
I think I read someone refer to this as ripple editing?
I have had situations where I had wished that I could quickly add a bridge after recording many tracks or shorten a section and this is a tedious manual process.
Just like adding/removing a row or column in Excel and the cells shifting either up or over.