I've played classical guitar for well over 30 some plus years now.....
I use this style on my electric as well as my steel strings instruments.
I have tried every single concoction I ever ran across......well at least almost all of them......
The only thing that works is to just take care of them ....eat a well balanced diet...take a daily vitamin supplement and that is about all you really can do....cause the nails grow from the inside out and from what you eat and how you take care of yourself.....
you do not need Long ones...or flied to special shapes or eating gelitn etc........(actually the very best shape to file your nails to is "follow the curvatur of your finger tip") keep em short which supports them...the longer they are the more dangerous they are to you and anyone you stab! kidding!!!
But really when you have short well rounded nails that are filed to the shape of your finger tips they are a bit stronger... the longer the weaker and more fragile.....also do not forget..when you file ....file at a 45 degree angle and then rub the filed edges down with 1200 or 1400 wet dry sand paper...this will buff the edge and give you that glossy tone.....
When yo play it is a combination of nail and finger tip flesh not nail alone....so if you are right handed make sure you file really well up and into the left hand corner of the finger tip....round and smooth is the way to go and think....
If you are going to play on steel strings then you need to see a nail expert to apply a gel coat over your nails.....this will thicken them up and make them stronger and resist wear......steel strings almost eat up nail surface.....nylon strings are more gentle to them....
Yes a top coat finish does help but I never cared for it becasue it does stop the flow of oxygen to the nails. When you go to strip it off with nail polish remover you do weaken the nail....so I tend to stay away from it.....
But these would be my recommendations....
Keep em short
keep em well groomed
follow the shape of your finger tip
file at a 45 degree angle
buff the edges with 1200 to 1400 Wet Dry sand paper
Should do it!
Scary how much I know about this nonsense!!!!!!