As much as I like the idea, I think if they implemented, it would cause me problems. Currently the only prochannels that respond to mouse wheel are those that allow controls to be in focus (noted by four white corners appearing), this is Compressors, Tube, Prochannel and FX Chains. But in the Display setting 'Normal' or 'larger', which is useful for those with high res, yet small screens (like my Full HD 15.6" laptop), or that have vision impairment (and for those GUi's that are tiny, "yes I'm talking to you Applied Acoustic Systems"). All the others do not allow 'in focus and these are the majority of PChannels. This majority all work in any display settings (smaller, normal and larger) with mouse movements. Implementing in focus will give them mouse wheel movements, but will loose fuctiion of mouse movement in 'Normal' and 'Larger' Display settings
I am pretty wary if them messing with anything with third party ProChannels at the moment.