I began making a list of what was better in Sonar than Cubase (the only other daw I'm using recently). It was depressingly short, but CAL was at the very top. Seemingly silly little thing like the Selection Module, even though it doesn't work quite right any more, came next. I like seeing the Performance Module. Drawing tempos still works better than the competition though not quite as well as it used to. I don't think I can get to 5.
Things that are worse, all new with X and Platinum: I have to use "big time" in order to see the time elapsed and bars/beats at the same time. Have to see the word Multidock and its big ugly bar taking up a big chunk of vertical space. Can't enter a note with a click and then adjust it with a drag in PRV. Can't directly enter a program number in the EL without triggering a poorly designed dialog box. Have to look at things that have no relevance for my work in order to see things that are relevant. (Do I really need to know the bit depth at every moment?) The snap function no longer works intuitively, without having to fuss with it. The Tools require constant reaching for the keyboard during mouse use. And the biggest time waster of them all, deleting controller lanes from the PRV in order to use one controller. Oh, yes, the since-forever window idiom of using ALT plus the Menu Letter to get to a menu no longer works from most areas, since they had the bright idea of having kinda-menus in most windows. Alt-P used to be one of my most used key-strokes, for length, transposition, scale velocity, etc.