I'm a little wary of this, as it seems the only ProChannels that were developed by Cakewalk were the Compressors, tube and Prochannel (and FX chain), and these all behave a little differently than the third party developed stuff. Currently these only work in the Display setting 'smaller' whereas all the others and the vast majority work in 'normal' and 'larger'. I prefer working mainly in Normal. My concern would be that if cakewalk were to make these modifications instead of the third parties, it would result in them performing like there own do, whish is not well outside of the 'smaller' setting.
This would be a step backwards for those using smaller high resolution screen users.
I like the idea, but only if they get the third parties to make the enhancements.
With the solo idea, would this just be muting the effects in the chain after the effect you are soloing? As wouldn't any processing you wanted to hear need the processing that has been applied before to give you a concept of the sound. Such as soloing the EQ, if it's after the Compressor, you'd want to hear what the compressor did to the spectrum of the sound, before making any adjustments in solo mode.