Hi Peeps

Not a serious piece this one...
Me and my lad were messing around in the studio again and after awhile I suggested that we record our randomness.
James was in charge of the modular and had a sequence running on the Metropolis while I tried playing along on my JP-8000 trying different presets.
The audio outs go into SPlat via my OCTA-CAPTURE and I created a couple of effects busses with Adaptiverb, MMultiBandGranular and Guitar Rig plus some reverb and delay. I felt it was Important to hear the effects live as opposed to applying them afterwards. So what you hear here is what we heard on the night.
The only post processing here is by way of fader automation because some of the levels from the JP-8000 were a bit high in places.
No planned arrangement or anything, just messing around, making it up as we went along.
Twenty minutes long this and could easily have been longer. So fast forward at any point. Or just let it run and see where it takes you