Hi AT, Thanks for responding, not sure what you mean though, clicking on the file name opens the windows browser to choose location for me (I'm using it standalone-microhost for the moment). This leads to the issue I describe above, the browser is in c:/program files instead of where the programs are located assuming you've loaded a waveform. Really hoping I've missed something.. I'm currently stressed trying to relocate the multisamples folder, the reg key does not work I think because I have user accounts disabled on win7, can't think of any other reason, but Rapture ignores the 'Multisamples Folder' key. I've tried it in HKCU (where the rest of the Rapture keys have been inserted) and also created the structure in HKLM described in the FAQ with no joy. Why they can't have a browse for location of multisamples and programs in the options page I will never understand. I've implemented this myself in the past, it is not difficult or time consuming... I've noticed in the registry the 'Last File' key which I suppose I could create a .reg file to change it to set the program folder before clicking save, but it just seems such a pointless waste. All the effort that's gone into creating a great synth and such simple things that make it pleasurable and workflow friendly have been neglected... sigh...