The Mickey Baker books are probably my favorites - I was introduced to them in about 1974, and I return to them often.
Other books to consider include the previously mentioned Ted Greene Chord Chemistry and Joe Pass's Guitar Method, both of which are still available on Amazon. Speaking of which, and I hate to sound like a jerk, but downloading from Scribd is, in this case, pirating, since the Mickey Baker books are also still available on Amazon. (and none of them are expensive!)
Now this is out of print, but I also have to recommend Dennis Sandole's "Guitar Lore" - this is an amazing text because of the approach, which separates the fundamentals out brilliantly - well, it worked for me anyway<G>. The problem is that I'm not sure how well this one would work for someone teaching themselves... I was fortunate to study with a teacher who studied with Sandole, and in some ways even expanded on Sandole's ideas.
If I had a student who wanted to learn about jazz guitar I'd probably start them with Baker - I think it is the most accessible...