Okay Peeps... Here's a jolly one for you, and it is only three minutes long
I took an original track, created by one of my SoundCloud chums going by the name of Boson Spin. Full details of that, with links, are available in the track description.
The original track was somewhat shorter so I reckoned it could stand a dropping of the BMP, from 130 to 120. And I also added a few more bars of the original clip to the beginning, so the beat doesn't kick in as quickly as the original.
I added just two more synth tracks, to augment what was already there, which was pretty much a fleshed out idea to begin with.
I also did the usual and added a buss for Adaptiverb and another for Guitar Rig, which helped create additional "dreamy" qualities of the piece.
Still no verse/chorus/bridge and stuff...
Telesto cheers