It does take some umph to drive them - fortunately I've got several nice preamps. As Jeff says, I don't think it would be good for live work w/ spill from the rear. The sound guy won't love you.
I back it off a bit - a foot or less (what is that in centimeters?), off to the side of the cone and angled in a bit. I'm not a gutarist but I should be more picky, but the end result is nice. The rear of the 8 hasn't been a problem (YET!). Smooth is the word, tho the gutiar is playing gnarly rock and roll. I actually think the gold standard for the songs we have been doing is the Rolling stones c. Beggar's Banquet etc. the sound I'm recording takes to LP & HP filters like a duck to water. The guitars fit in very nicely to the soundscape, gnarly, frequency restrained yet still sounding full. I might start mixing that w/ a more jagged 57 or other dynamic sound, just to see - or hear in this case.
I haven't tried it on acoustic. I plan on doing the next series of songs here at home w/ the vocalist through it, too. I tried one female, but it was a delicate, whispy part and couldn't get enough gain w/o noise.