Hi Danny,
I totally understand your point. However, in my thinking, I look at it like paint and colors. It is what we do with the paint and how we work it. It is not just the paint itself. In my vision, the technology is bringing us loads of new colors. It is up to us as the artists to figure out what we want with the colors. The touch on a guitar string, drum or keyboard. The musical parts we write. The way we mix. On and on it is about the creation more than the tool. I know you get that but that is where I was thinking with the future. I don't see it sad but totally thrilling. Check out that Lunar Madness song I just posted. It was done 35 years ago on my 8 track in my living room and it still holds up today! That's worth alot in my book. The creativity is still there but now I want the computer to really work for a living. I want to be able to talk out what I want as I create. I don't want it to create for me except in the basic building blocks if I want it to.
Life is good. I love music and creating. Things are getting better.
All the best.