start keeping a small notepad handy, and whenever a clever line pops in the head, write it down.
don't worry about how you'll use it at the time, simply COMPILE MATERIAL.
pull it together later.
themes are great.
so are thinking in colors.....
play your synth in bright red, have the guitarist play in dark purple...... and let the drums be brown. let the rhythm be white.
think about separating what you are playing from the guitar in terms of register.
limit your playing to only around middle C, and make guitarist play everything an octave above that and up.
reverse the limitations for certain parts of the song, like verses, versus bridge and chorus.
poly rhythms:
write a key part that is 6/8 over a steady 2/2.
make the guitarist come up with a part that is 2/4.
combine, rinse, repeat.