Optimus - yes that reverb on the opening piano is not optimal, but that's a fork in the road in the past :) thanks for the listen.
Eph, thanks! Really glad you got the vibe there, PDX! I agree, it's the song first.
Then, it's the gain matching, the eq, the mix levels, and the tricks like compression, reverb, delay, panning, and then it's limiting on the master bus and some glue compression, then it's mixdown to wav or mp3, whereupon you have to re-listen and find all the things you forgot to do, and then lather, rinse repeat. Cool, huh? What kind of moron would actually go through all of that?
Daryl, If I could ever get a mix to sound as utterly clean as yours, I'd be a happy man. Thanks for the listen.
Bats - thanks for the listen and the comments! The vocal could use a little refinement, I'll get some more doubletracking going. I'm not sure what you were noticing with the "what is that" on the rhythm guitar? I played it on my strat (sounds like a keyboard player playing guitar, doesn't it) but I double tracked it, blended it, and it's going through S-Gear. I was hearing Nile Rodgers but instead it ended up like, well, Joe Walsh sober. ?
cheers, and many thanks again.
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