I have just uninstalled my old DimPro and installed the DimPro 64 bit supplied with Sonar Producer x2.
When I installed it, it asked for a serial number. I entered the one on my registration page I got when I bought X2.
Now when I start it, it says "Error opening midi device", and over that opens a large dialog asking for a registration number.
I enter the registration number as it appears on my registration page, next to the serial number.
It tells me my registration number is incorrect.
I copy-paste the number.
It STILL tells me my registration number is incorrect.
I double-check serial number (which I also originally copy-pasted) and registration number. They are correct.
I reboot my PC and try again. First, "Error opening midi device", then the dialog.
Still does not work, neither typing (taking care not to muddle 0 and O), nor copy-paste.
Anyone else experience this?