Based on what you described above, you're only recording MIDI data from your keyboard, which is just note commands, not audio and therefore neither stereo nor mono.
Whether you get stereo depends on the outputs you select from the synthesizer that you've routed that MIDI to. When you select the input source for your audio track, the TTS-1 lets you choose from one of its four stereo outputs or from any of the 8 mono outputs that make them up (each stereo out is actually a mono pair).
This is the great advantage of recording MIDI: you can always decide later what instrument you want to drive with it, and how to route that instrument's outputs. So if you use the TTS-1 today for strings, and a couple years from now you buy an advanced string library, you can go back to the project and replace the TTS-1 with something better.
BTW, here's a tip: don't use Simple Instrument Tracks. Use separate MIDI and audio tracks instead.