Piggybacking here...
Absorptive bass traps are usually made from the same materials, although they can also use heavier materials (e.g. Owens-Corning 705) or they can be resonant types. <snippity>
Really important point here... Mr. Bit buried the lead!
There are three ways to control the energy bouncing around in your room, and you'll likely need at least a little bit of each. Most folks focus on absorption - converting the sound energy to heat energy - and for good reason, it's really cheap, and it's really easy to implement. And while you can overdo it, one has to work pretty hard to do so!
Within the category of absorption there are two methods to convert that pesky sound to heat: passively - using your garden variety spun glass in either compressed or non-compressed form, and actively, using resonant panels such as Helmholtz resonators. Be wary of active absorbers because they tend to be narrow band devices, and they can sound really really bad. Broadband absorption is much easier to use.
There is such a thing as an active broadband absorber - ASC makes some, but it isn't a trivial exercise!
Reflection is a really powerful tool, but you need to be comfortable with geometry to do it right.
Diffusion does not get nearly the attention it deserves! Most people think about those really cool reflection grates, but do a search on poly-cylindrical diffusors for a very nice solution that makes almost any room sound better.
All the while you need to keep symmetry in mind, for a stereo mix you can get away with simple symmetry around each axis independently. If you are working with surround mixes then it gets a lot more complex.
And yes, ARC has been the subject of much debate. I have my opinion, Danny Danzi has a very different opinion. Danny wouldn't consider not having ARC and swears by it. I consider it to be only marginally effective because it's a square solution to a round problem.
I'm sorry to be a broken record, but it isn't even a square solution to a round problem... it is an illusion, and the odds of any illusion working for more than a very small subset of cases is infinitesimally small! You can not correct a time based problem in the frequency domain!