Some great discussions here. Starise, your experience has been of course....VERY similar to mine. Maybe we're lucky? Maybe Jesus loves us? Maybe we did the correction correctly? Maybe we did the correction INCORRECTLY? Whatever the case, guys like you and I could care less what's under the hood as long as it makes a difference in our world for the better. That's how I pretty much do everything. The more I get involved with science, the more it takes me out of my "raw, use your ears" realm. Granted, there are times when the science part needs to be looked at for severe problem areas....but until I get faced with that, illusions, trickery, fake, whatever ya wanna call it.....if it works, I'm a believer. :)
Bill: I don't know where to start with my comments in response to you other than, it's quite apparent you know your stuff and I can completely respect the opinion and experience you've shared with us. I would never even attempt to try and sway a guy like you into trying ARC 2 nor will I waste much of your time here reading this (well maybe 8-10 minutes worth lol)....but I would like to say a few things if I may?
Like you, I've been doing this a long time also. I've worked in some of the crappiest rooms of all time. I've even worked in studio's worth millions that had over-booked clients to where they threw me in a storage room, warehouse, closet or whatever else they had available. I hated working under those conditions. However, as you know from doing stuff like that yourself, it pushes you really hard to get the best out of everything you have at the time, right? I know you can so relate there. :)
Well, keeping along with that particular subject, just about every time I've been in a position like that, the monitors I've used were not even corrected nor did I have a sub at all times. This put me at such a huge disadvantage, it really ruined the enjoyment factor for me in ways I can't even tell you. That said...
One day, that ARC thing came into my world. I know it doesn't line up with science....I know some of the hype people have read doesn't make sense and we can go on and on about how it may not be a total fix for everything and everyone. BUT....huge BUT at of the most important aspects of this field for me, is having monitors at least tuned as flat as possible. I can mix in any room you want to put me in as long as the monitors are not totally out of whack with what they are giving me. If I can't trust an ounce of what I'm hearing, there's no way I can do a good job.
I've mixed on incredible systems in great rooms and while sometimes not liking the outcome but the client did. I've mixed on scaled down systems in bad rooms with ARC and have come out in great shape every time. It's truly amazing as to how this thing has worked for me in so many different rooms, I'd bore you if I told about the experiences.
In my humble opinion, I sincerely think the monitors used makes a difference as well as how anal you are with the procedure and if you use a sub. I also do not feel ARC is easy to use at all. I absolutely HATE doing the corrections. There are too many things you can forget...and if you forget just one thing, you've wasted an hour of time. Honest when I tell you, you have to be so precise, it no longer makes it easy.
Taping your floor, measuring, use the right mic model number, proper height, mic position at the nose, keeping things totally symmetrical and measured to the numbers, make sure input monitor is turned off, make sure proper levels were achieved, make sure lowest latency possible was used.....forgetting just one of those things changes the entire way it works.
Again, I'm honestly not trying to sell you on it. You tried it, you didn't like it, you didn't think your material improved, you have every right to share how you feel. But if by chance there was a possibility that you may have forgotten something....if you still have ARC, I'd be willing to share a pdf that I've written up that will take you through all the steps I use to be successful with it every time. At least you could see if any of it made a difference.
A friend of mine tried ARC. He's one of my mentors. He laughed at it and called me and told me it was junk. I went to his studio and re-did the corrections MY way. Needless to say, the outcome was better than the Rane eq he had which was set by a professional that tuned his monitors. He missed a few steps at the time. He still uses it today and loves it.
Whatever it does, it's been all good for me. I really don't mind people bashing on it at long as they've tried it. What bothers me the most (now I'm going to sound a bit like a jerk, but honest this is not directed at you or's just in general but needs to be said) is when people use the science of what they read or hear against the thing and bash it for no reason other than to sound important. And, the fact that they never even tried it.
It's like the mechanic that went to school that really knows a lot about cars saying "the new Camaro is not what you think. We studied that system and it doesn't do this that and this" then you ask the guy "yes, but did you drive the car?" He answers "well no, but I don't have to because the science in my school tells me what it's about."
I don't think that's fair. It's an opinion and until you can drive the car, it's pointless to make a stink about something if you've never experienced it. What if the thing in the car isn't all that, but when you drive that Camaro, it makes it an incredible driving experience even if by chance some of it may have been an illusion or maybe it helped you to enjoy the car by 15%? To totally discount it is just ludicrous in my opinion.
My other argument is (and here's where the jerk in me comes out and where this is not directed at you or anyone else) the "scientist" types are always the ones that seem to ruin the arc debate. There is no reason for someone that hasn't tried it to come in to the discussion and bash it if they haven't tried it, seriously. And what else gets me is, these dudes that talk this crap can use all the help they can get because their mixes sound terrible! I have either heard some of the worst material by supposed scientists that are the first to share internet links about stuff or share how smart they are with people to intimidate them, or have heard nothing from them at all that would make me want to listen to them.
Not one has made my "I would love to pick your brain and am willing to pay for it" list. This bothers me immensely! If a person can't lead and teach by and with example, it's harder for me to see them as credible. That said, I'm not saying every person that posts an opinion needs to share a great mix to be valid. I'm saying it's the same ones bashing it all the time...and they have no real credibility to be so "voice for the sake of a voice". At the end of the day, you have scientists with crap for audio trying to show people that are trying to improve that ARC is a bunch of horsesh!t and hype. It may be that....but for quite a few people, it has worked wonders.
It's like the guitar teacher I had that went to Berklee that was a theory guru.....yet was NOT a great player. He could show me theory, but he couldn't show me how to use the stuff nor could he lead as a "playing" example. My idea of a good theory teacher is one that shows you theory and then 5 examples on how to use what you just learned so you have a clue as to what it means as well as how it can be used.
The guy 2 towns away from me knew a little more than basic theory, but could play like a lunatic showcasing the styles I liked plus some other really cool styles. Who do you take lessons from? See my point? So that's my problem with science. The majority of those who use it in the audio field haven't shown me anything other than words. I'm not an excellent engineer by any means and learn every day. But I've also done my best to post up examples of things when I've been called on stuff as well as offering things freely to bring a point home. Even though I have no awards, I have a pretty good track record as someone you can trust and at least have enough credibility to where advice I'd offer or speak about it worth investigating. I can't say the same for the scientist types. They could possibly benefit from ARC if they tried it...or heck, tried something other than running their mouths. Sorry, it's just a pet peeve of mine on forums. They ruin more debates than people that just have differing opinions.
Could it be a fluke that me and many others have had luck with this thing? Most definitely. Is it the be all end all of plugs to help with room problems? Absolutely not...but I'll tell ya, it sure does a wonderful job flattening monitors for me. I don't even need to use a sub on my Events, Adam A-7's or Genelecs. I did the correction with and without difference at all other than you don't quite feel the lows as much, but you sure do hear them the same as the sub. But I do like to use the sub because it adds that little extra "feeling" to the lows.
Anyway, I wasted your time on this and didn't want to, but that's my take on things being a happy ARC customer. I totally respect your opinion and again thank you for sharing what you've shared. Science from someone that has a clue is one thing.....and completely commendable. Science from a link poster that shares crap mixes or no mixes while bashing on something they have never tried....totally unacceptable in my opinion.