I know this is late in the game, but I have a crit.
First, everything about this is beautiful. The music and even the aged tone of the vocalist; his tenderness, almost kenny rodgers before he started to lose connection in his cords.
There is ONE problem with this song that makes it not a "righteous brothers-esque" tune that it could be. The melody and words are fine, but the cadence of the singer fights, not complements, the groove of the tune...so he stands apart from it, noticeably. Which makes the track feel cheaper than it really is. It's truly stellar, but it's like he's singing to a rhythm that isn't in the song. It's not that it's "out of time" per se, but that it doesn't contribute to the groove so that the whole thing feels like one complete voice, sound, chorus, etc. Cadence is an exceptionally hard thing to get correct in a song and it's usually where I fall down too - I get attached to my words...
One other thing that I think would increase its softness and sentiment is having a female harmony at parts. That's my two cents. What I'm talking about is taking a good song and making it great. So, it's not a lot of distance to cover, but it's often the hardest fought ground there is in an artistic creation.