Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I remember that Brandon was listed as a Vice-President of Cakewalk before the Roland buy-out (maybe Seth too?).
So I'm assuming he went from having quite an influential (decision making?) position on the board to being just another guy on the payroll. Must take some adjusting to, especially if the roles were vastly different. But obviously, I'm only guessing here.
However, what I do undoubtedly miss is their presence on the forums. But even that involvement changed to a certain extent when Roland became in charge. Up until that point, you felt that anything Seth or Brandon said in here actually meant something and carried some weight - like getting to talk to the organ grinder. Although undoubtedly they continued to be very helpful, and a welcome 'value-added' presence in here, I always got the feeling they both had to be just a little guarded about what they said. A subtle difference I accept, but noticeable none the less.
It does make you wonder what Cakewalk would have been like now, had they turned down Roland's advances and maintained their independence.