Here is the backing track for a new tune I'm working on. This is drums, bass, and one keyboard part, just to lay down the rhythmic and harmonic elements of the tune. The bass is a Jazz into a Blackfinger pedal with a considerable amount of compression and overdrive set, then into a Cathedral Reverb pedal for a little ambience so it doesn't sound so dry. It was brought in via the DI on one of my DIY REDD47 pre-amps. I think it's a pretty nice over-driven, not overly-pertified sound. The breakup softens it and gets rid of that hard piano tone and pushes it back in the mix, as does a the small amount of ambience. But it still has plenty of punch, since the kick/bass part is very tight. I worked hard learning that bass part so that the rhythm section is really punching hard together. The tone changes from section to section, not due to any changes in the input chain but just playing style, to mix it up. This is just the 'as I go' mix, with the master fader pushed up to get it up to reasonably normal CD levels.
A little left over cymbal from an aborted render got in at the start. That's not supposed to be there.