eph221 you know, I think you're right about that. The piano is pretty far left. I wrote, recorded and mixed this song two years ago and never shared it. I think I could go back with some good ideas and try to clean it up.
lynn - do you think it's good enough to just try to do that in a mastering phase or do you think that it's bad enough where I should go back and clean the individual channels up? I also appreciate being around you and this community. I had a bad go with life and it turned me off to doing anything with music for the last two years. Hopefully I can be more consistent. I just love it here. Thank you kindly for your words.
wookiee I agree with the mud on the snare. Unfortunately it might have been the mic picking it up...I'll have to go back and see if I can get some of the articulation out of it.
Jesse Screed - Thank you Jesse, all me. What do you mean by 'wall of production'?
synkrotron -what's your genre of choice? Thanks for listening
markno999 - thanks! I'll try to clean it up and see what happens.