This is the first time I have listened to anything from you James.
I like the funky rhythm that comes and goes throughout this piece.
Sound design is interesting and I liked what you chose for each of the lead parts.
For a thirteen minute track I happily let this carry me along. Certainly not your "normal" rock/pop arrangement but I like this sort of stuff.
Like the jazz vibe too. I thought that the melding of synth sounds with "traditional" instruments works very well.
Minimal it may be, but it is obvious that a reasonable amount of work gone into Softly. You could probably fill an A4 page reviewing all the sections/parts.
Nice clean and clear mix as far as I'm concerned, and I don't think SoundCloud has messed things up too much. Unfortunately they process your upload to 128kbps, which usually plays havoc with some of the high frequency stuff. I always upload my 24bit 44.1 kHz WAV file and let it convert that.
Could this be Minimal Prog Jazz Funk, perhaps