Thanks guys for the listen and comments. I appreciate them.
Wookie, thanks for the listen, though I can only claim credit for the mix as you'll see ......
James1213, I see what you mean about "Gentle on my Mind". Maybe the major, major 7th thing, and the introspection. It just came out that way.
Yes, it started life in BIAB, but the bass is me and those other parts will be replaced by the members of my band. Maybe keep the fiddles.
Biodiode, thanks all the same. Those guys at BIAB sure know their stuff
Jesse Screed, I don't know what to say. I've listened to your music and well ......... I don't know what to say, save, I'm glad you like mine

The pedal steel is from BIAB. Very handy to use for a demo.
ABull, thanks for the listen and comments. I guess I just like that old Nashville style. This will probably end up on my band's next album.