Well disregard my last post about going and checking these amps out on Thursday. I got to that point in the road and my car turned left into Sweetwater. I had no control.
Anyway, here is how it went on the test between the H&K 18, the Blackstar HT-5RH and the Mesa Boogie TA-15
All heads were played thru a Hughes & Kettner 1x12 closed back cabinet, which has a Celestion Vintage 30 speaker. I played a PRS SE custom.
The H&K was first up. set at 5 watts.
The clean channel was bright, warm and made me sit up and go WOW.
I really did not expect that sound. Did not matter how hard I pushed the master or the guitar volume knob.
It always sounded great. With the gain knob turned up it started to break up but still was very clean and
crisp, not muddy at all.
The overdrive channel:
Again I was very surprised at how good it sounded.
Thru all settings on the gain knob any rock rhythms sounded great.
The lead boost button took it to that next level. Sustain and power were there but again it did not feel muddy.
When I switched over to 18watts it was so loud that I couldn't turn it up very much.
I honestly liked the 5 watt sound better, but the 18 watt did not get a fair chance really.
It did not sound bad, just loud as hell..
Next, the Blackstar HT-5RH:
This thing did not look like a lunchbox amp head. It was huge!
Clean channel: It sounded dull and lifeless compared to the H&K.
It has a master volume and 1 tone knob, so very little control on the clean channel.
I was disappointed immediately. Nothing I did could make it sound as good as the H&K.
Overdrive Channel: so this is what the Blackstar is supposedly all about.
Maybe I was still stunned by the clean channel, but I was not blown away by the overdrive side.
Yes it was good, and the ISF knob (American vs British sound) made a huge difference in the tone.
The British (Marshall) tone was dark and warm. The American (Fender) tone was a lot brighter.
Both were very good and setting it right in the middle was a nice tonal mix.
The reverb sounded pretty good for an amp reverb.
Crank up the gain and it really wailed, but again, not any better than the H&K to my ears.
Next, the Mesa TA-15:
Honestly this one did not get a fair shake at all. Lots of people were coming into the guitar room so it was hard
to play it loud and really hear it over others playing.
What I can say is the switches were so small it was next to impossible for me to see what they said next to them and to even be sure if they were set up, middle or down. (old eyes).
The flexibility of the Mesa was apparent though as you can control the power output of the clean vs the overdrive channels independently. Also more tone controls for each channel.
The master cut/boost switch on the clean channel eluded me as to how to use it on the sound.
Again this was because of a bazillion people in there.
For my 1st test drive of the 3 amps the H&K came out on top, hands down.
I need to go back again and give the Mesa more attention when I can actually hear it.
I need to see if a 2nd pass on all three of them elicits the same response as today did.
I also am going to try them thru a different cabinet.
The Mesa TA-15 cabinet is open back, 12" V30. So the test will be open vs closed back (today H&K closed).
Will also play a Parker Dragonfly as well.
Trying to play the guitars I play at home.
It was a blast.