Stupid question... whether you mic or not, don't you have to go through your interface to get it into your DAW?
Not a stupid question, and yes, you do go through your interface.
A common chain would be Guitar > Amp > Mic > Pre-amp ? Interface.
You might not need the pre-amp if the pre's in your interface are of reasonable quality
Second stupid question... When using a mic, are you actually recording what you hear or what the microphone hears?
Another non-stupid question. Yep, you're recording what the microphone hears, so it always pays to enable input echo, put on headphones and experiment with moving the mic into different positions in front of your cab.
Half an inch difference in any direction can make a HUGE difference to your recorded tone.
Don't forget to try different speakers as they can all sound different to one another.
Also try putting a second mic up a few feet away and get a bit of room tone.