easiest way to hook up a sub is direct out into the sub and then from the sub out to the monitors. works with the S10 as well.
I also think trial and error is the right way but it involves doing mix downs and listening in a lot of different environments. My car is my favorite place to check Bass. i know what a fished radio mix should sound like there. It is much easier for me to know if something translates once I have listened to it in my car and on my laptop speakers. If it sounds balanced in both places I feel pretty confident. I have 3 pair of monitor speakers in the studio as well. vxt8's rokit5's and maudio cheapies.
I personally have it set up this way.
Sound card ---> Switchwitch -----> 4 different outputs (1-VXT's, 2-Rokit's, 3-S10 Sub, 4-MAudio AV40's)
I can turn them on and off at will to compare a mix on each set of monitors with or without the sub.
I balanced by Trial and Error but you could run white noise through the system and then analyze what comes out. Fill in the base until you have even representation across the spectrum.
Switch Witch