OK. I had a bass guitar track, with some variation in recording level and 'noise between the notes'. I set up gate and compressor effects to tame the signal - remove the worst of the noise and level out the volume.
All was fine and good until I decided to use a clip gain envelope to boost the level of the bass in the first verse.
What happened - and I didn't notice this immediately - was that a) the bass got noisey-er and b) the volume of the bass track didn't really go up as much as I thought.
Of course, now we know why: I was driving the gate with a louder signal, letting more noise through the gate, and the compressor was doing its level best (sorry!) to prevent the volume from getting louder.
I think this bad practice stems historically from my equating "clip gain" to "track trim" as it used to be called in earlier versions of Sonar. Most people I'm sure never got into the habits I did.
I now use track volume envelopes a lot more than I used to. In hindsight, it seems very obvious, but at the time, I thought I knew what I was doing.
Does that explain what I meant earlier?