Munmun the newer PODs respond and sound much more like real amps. That example you posted is pretty self explanitory.
The POD HD500 is not inexpensive,although compared to a pricey tube amp it's a bargain and compared to buying all the amps it emulates it's a no brainer. It is also an audio interface easily recognized by Sonar. Coupled with a JTV guitar the signal path is all digital into the computer. Good luck on finding something that works well for you. I am not a pro guitar player and I am not any kind of a purist as you can probably tell.This is what works for me but maybe not for you. I don't have anything bad to say about my POD.
Mike I know the feeling of attempting to try something out in a guitar store and being unsuccessful. I think your friend has the right idea. I am seriously considering the DT 25. I don't gig out much with guitar though so I'm not sure the investment would be worth it for me.Very tempting though to have an amp that is class A tube and can change to any kind of amp at the push of a button. I ended up selling my 50 watter because it blew the shingles off my house before I could make it break up.
Probably the first time I have ever heard this "fizz" others have mentioned was the other night when I was playing around with TH2 trying to get something with just a hint of breaking up. It sounded like a freshly poured glass of sprite at the top end. Honestly this is the first time I have heard the "fizz". If this is what you hear then no wonder you don't like simms.
I don't hear that with my POD.