I've had just about all the pod's since the original one in '99 - and have always used it directly.
Some of them (the XT as mentioned) did not do as much for me. The X3 (that is the one before the HD series which is the newest one) actually did have some quite nice amps for both electric, bass, acoustic and preamps.
And also included was the PodFarm :)
For a small home studio I would say the X3 is quite nice, as you could (easily) get some good tones out of it, and it is so versatile. I think it is easy to use also.
The POD HD series does have better sounds, but I will say you have to use quite some time to get those sounds. It is complex, and less versatile. But I think some of the sounds I get out of it (using my studio monitors) is very good.
(I have a HD500, BTW)