I echo what Mike said on his 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th posts? Allow me to do that officially by saying,
Now in addition to that I would add, that the best technique "bar none..." Is to;
1. Have the band jam on the song and determine the BMP.
2. Create a project with that BPM, and have the guitar player (rhythm) play along with the tick track, maybe with a singer, to establish a scratch track with guitar and vox.
3. Have the drummer listen to the click track, along with the scratch track, and "track that drummer..." Listen to it? Quantize it, fix it, compress it, spread it, saturate it, mix it, excite it, EQ it, create envelopes as necessary for it.
4. Now how the bass player listen to the scratch and drum track? And comp the bass in, bring it down the pipe, make it sit with the drums.
5. Go back and redo the scratch guitar part, with the tick track, the drums and bass? Mute the original scratch track.
6. Once all of that rocks hard, have the vocalist listen to all of it and comp in their part.
Add a splash of your favorite libation? Shake and serve... (delay, reverb, mastering, panning, bla blah blah)
This is the technique I use? But I am the guitar player, bass player, drummer, singer, keyboard player, etc...