yes, and yes. You can use a DI - I'm sure the profire has one built in to the preamps. That should give you a "dry" tone. Not my favorite choice of words, tho. Most people DI bass. You can add an amp sim later. Or not. I just recorded a couple of songs, more poppy than rock, and have just used the DI signal straight. It was a preamp/di that you can control the gain/output, so I could get it crunchy on one song. The other clean (different styles of songs)
And yes, there are preamps/di that split the signal. The DI will send one signal out as a line level, while the other is at guitar level so you can send it off to the amp. The Focusrite ISA one does this, as I remember. And there are amps that output the signal after the amp but before the speaker so you can capture both tones.
There is no right or wrong way. It is whatever you have on hand and what sounds like it fits the song. If you only have your interface di that should work fine.