This was originally written in the early 80's while wearing my bass player hat, in that the bass track was cut first to a very simple Linn Drum pattern, then everything else developed on top of that and because of the bass track.
So, this is an attempt to recreate that original feel, and was started a few months ago, picking at it here and there and then finally mixing it in the last few days.
Much like the last for instrumentation:
Drums are Stormdrum1 Kick, Snare and side stick, Clearmountain metal, Damage stick toms.
Real bass, the old '76 Musicman Stingray - fingers only and direct with no amp sim. Just some compression, EQ and reverb.
5 Ovation Adamas acoustic guitar tracks(direct no mic no sim) but they're just seasoning here and there, coming in and out, doing different tasks.
Guitar in this one is my '81 G&L F-100
but I put a Kahler flat mount on it pretty soon after I got it so it's a rare bird for sure and sings like one.
Neck pickup only through Guitar Rig 5, and bass tone rolled off to ...
well if 12:00 was full on and 1:00 was full off, it's at about 3:30 on this one.
I've always noticed that rolling off the bass on this guitar lets it glide like a feather in the wind. Adding the bass there seems to ground it more.
So, the bass track is note for note to the original. Drums about 95%.
I tried to get the guitar track to be 100% authentic but it just went off on it's own about 1/3 of the way through and I like the new part better.