I don't fully understand everything you are all speaking of because I use Sonar exclusively and have no experience with other brands. So please excuse me if I'm speaking off base or repeating other conversations.
As far as loops go, my issue is with the step sequencer.
If Sonar could simply add the ability to record beats on the fly directly into the step sequencer without requiring you to record a midi then convert it to the step sequencer, it would be awesome. The "Step Record" function within the step sequencer has NO use as it currently is.
"Cakewalk, please alow the "step record" to run freely as if you pressed play and allow us to tap pads on our controller to enter beats onto the sequencer." I don't understand the logic of the step record function staying in place until you tap, then only moving to the next step.
Who creates beats like that? Not only would making this change be a small but great added feature, but it would allow us to connect electronic drums and record directly into the step sequencer. Recording into midi is OK, but I'm more old school guy and would love the ability to use Sonar like a traditional 808 or 909. It seems like a very simple feature request that would go along way to home studio producers
having fun rather than
doing work.
While I'm at it, it would also be cool to have a bounce to matrix function that could bounce all selected tracks to an chosen matrix project (like having two projects open, were one is a temporary project for creating loops and the other is a working matrix project for jamming and saving).