a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung or a musical composition suggestive of a song. The Verse, refrain, bridge...etc is a neophytes understanding. Throughout the history of song form there are many different variations. It does not need to include lyrics for instance.
thank you David - also, the definition of this forum is in the forum description:
'Post links to your latest songs or PROJECTS'
I do believe that there is someone (that same old someone) around this forum who thinks that they are better than everyone else. That person tried other forums and didn't like what people had to say (I know because I was there) so came back to the relative safety of this forum.
If someone wants to post a recording of synth noodling or a souless ditty then more power to them.
I'll keep on posting my sterile pastiche.
But to you, Mr Publisher's Pet, if you are so 'Pro' then go and be 'Pro' somewhere that appreciates it...........Is there a publisher that specializes in elevator music?