Bat: Thanks for your indepth thoughts and inspiration. 3-Dog-Night harmonies are to die for! I noted your last song-forum song did not contain vocals ... but the instruments and percussives harmonized wonderfully (Southern Jam Wall of Sound-like). I think my techniques are most similar to yours.
Danny: Thanks for going in depth on your astonishing techniques and models. I've stolen your ideas oft and ended up sounding like Jefferson Airplane (before the Starship) ... and now see some of the missing ingredients ... in your post here
Oft you've given me 9 takes ... "3 Mids", "3 Highs", and "3 Lows" ... and I'd stack them with plate verb (50msec pre-delay'd) ... instead of your "Clone Ensemble". (The clone ensemble can also be found in waves plug-ins and Nectar ... iirc).
As you (all) probably realize, I aspire that every song's vocal riff must exceed that of every song before. I don't care so much if the singer is having a good/bad day ... because the weight of the vocal production is on the PRODUCER.
Except for euphonic singers, if the producer (chief painter/singer) isn't inspired, the singer(s) will not sound beautiful in today's competitive pomp.
DavDud: I follow your doublings for Haas effects, especially in chorus-hooks.
Noynekker: Recently I listened to ZZTop's "DoubleBack" (BackToFuture-3) and noted that the song was cursed due to 'early reflections' from the Lead's recording technique. The comb-filtering was hideous enough to make me shut-down the song after the 1st verse.
Doubling vocals is tricky and requires a minimum of 32 msecs, iirc.
Bit and
GuitarHacker: I suppose yours is the 'ideal' ... performing the song and accepting the whole take (or none). I've always aspired that but usually end up like Bat ... dubbing in with the 'R' button ... or stealing phrases from other takes.
Memorizing lyrics is one thing. Being on-key, on-time, on-dynamics, inspired, into each word, every phrase, every sweet accident, every rasp-gasp, and/or every dramatic conflict/resolution, singing from the diaphragm-to-voice-mask ... etc. etc. ... that is another thing.
A bad day is too oft a good day ... and vice versa ... IYKWIM. ... despite years of faithful public singing twice to thrice a week.
(Sort of like multi-vocs ...)
Then there is singing to balance/harmonize/enhance the instruments (and vice versa). And the painting becomes more of a landscape than a portrait ... where various instruments become the dominant element(s).
At the skating rink, 90-95% of the hip-hop cr&p vocals and lyrics seem ugly misfits. Take away the beatz garb and their nakedness would seem pretty scary (to me).
That said, an inspired polyphonic producer (lyricist writer arranger mixer) 'should' be able to redeem almost ANY vocal issues ... theoretically, methinks. Vocals are like chess; you've got to think several moves in advance and then trick your opponent-listener into your hook ... and keep him 'involved' emotionally.
Multi-vocs seem a proven riff-technique with 'sweet-accidents' awaiting.
Thanks all for your most excellent thoughts and invokings.