I'm going to offer different advice than what you've already heard.
First off...where am I? Wow this place looks so different now! LOL!
Ok, I'm going against the grain here but this is my belief. Never cut anything "for the sake of." After listening to your track, it appears to me that you can't hear what is going on in your song to make the right calls.
If your monitors are not tuned you're wasting time. If they ARE tuned and that's what you've come up with, you need to be taught how and what to listen for. I say this over and over in just about every post when someone is having problems with a mix.....you can't do this stuff and expect results if you don't have your monitors eq'd for flat at the least. Some people say it's room tuning....I say give me a set of monitors that are tuned correctly and putting out flat results and I'll give you an acceptable mix every time.
Your issues in MY opinion are a misrepresentation of what you are actually hearing. I can hear it in your mix, mun. You have good stuff all the time when you have shared your material. I always enjoy your songs. But your mixes are lacking because you can't hear things properly so you don't know what to fix. For example, there is 0 kick drum in this mix you posted. I can't hear any kick consistently. If YOU are hearing consistent kick or enough kick on your end, your monitors are putting out too much bass....or you have a sub that is so hot, it's messing up your decision making.
This in turn is forcing you to mix bass light and is also clouding your vision. OR...because of all your cuts like you said....it damaged the mix. But if that's the case....you have nothing going on under the freq's you have cut. Where are the good lows other than the bass? Totally gone in this which has totally made the mix small and thin. Your bass guitar has no definition and has 2 tones...a simulated sub low harmonic tone and the actual tone. The song that follows this has the same issue. You don't have any good low end to thicken things up. The kick drum could just be turned up...but if it had the right low end pushing it, it would come right through. But you have all the good low end taken out...which should not be happening considering you mentioned cutting 150-500. I'm not hearing anything under 90-100 Hz (give or take) other than whatever over-tone that bass is showing us.
I read from guys every day that say "yeah, dial 330 Hz down to clean up mud." What if your sound/mix is not loaded with 330 Hz? You don't just start cutting stuff unless you can actually hear these frequencies clouding up your mix. In order to determine what frequencies need work, you have to be able to hear them. Mixing should NEVER be a guessing game. You hear it, you fix it if need be, you move on. All this stuff taking a week to mix one song, or a month or whatever people take is due to them not hearing things properly or not knowing what to listen for.
At the end of the day, if you're using the "by the book" method more than "by ear" that's a huge issue that you need to break out of brother. I could be completely wrong in what I'm saying here...but if I had one shot to say what was wrong here, the above would be my take. Good luck, hope some of this helps.