How it crossfades and should always heal at the zero-crossing point, should be configurable, perhaps.
I don't understand that last part. By definition, "healing" occurs at the original split point. Whether that split is on a zero-crossing, and how wide the cross-fade is are determined by your Snap and Editing preferences.
More generally, "healing" is the process of undoing a split, so it doesn't really matter what the split settings were; it's just going to undo the non-destructive edit and go back to playing that part of the clip as it was originally recorded.
That does work, and good call, as this is the general idea. However, it's limited only to speed comping. It also ruptures your comp. If you chose two separate Lanes' clips to be used at the split, removing the split removes those comp choices. You're still better off bouncing the clips to a single clip. The useful thing the method above seems to help with is allowing you to clean up
where your splits are without having to undo them, and that's only
before you begin the comp choices. After you've built a Speed Comp, it becomes less useful aside from some minor cleanup.
Barring those limits, what I'm suggesting is the ability to arbitrarily blend two disparate, totally different clips that have absolutely nothing in common other than they appear in the same lane at the same bit and sampling rate, and same Mono/Stereo properties. This may sound pointless, but when you start copy/pasting with clips splits happen, and there's little you can do to keep the edits without the splits.
I agree with others above that the comping tool is quite fiddly, and the ability to undo a split is needed, but just as easy as that tool works, allowing Sonar to "heal" or "glue" ANY clips together, and ensuring that the blend is undetectable (zero-crossing point where the waveforms come together, if not crossfaded).
In reality, the suggestion here in my OP, is a workaround in itself. For me, this idea could almost be eliminated if Sonar has a better Paste implementation without the serious limits it has now being caged to the same Take Lane.
I was looking for my other post in this area for fixes to that, and I don't see that thread. It had more detail.