Much to say here.
For some reason, in recent years, it has become trendy to label Ringo as being “untalented” etc. in comparison to the rest of the Beatles.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Ringo was subtle in his playing, and never indulged in drum grandstanding (which really took off in the late ‘60s and has been with us ever since). Thank God! It was his restraint and support for the melody that made (at least to a significant extent) those Beatles songs so great. Unlike his later contemporaries, Ringo always knew that the SONG was the thing - not how hard, or how long a player could hit the drums.
Unfortunately, too much of modern rock music has had its subtlety and melody driven out by overly-eager drummers who are unable to control their own indulgent instincts and always play loud/long/complex riffs – driving the beat instead of following it.
On another level, he was able to juggle and work with three HUGE ego’s, and he provided the glue both musically and interpersonally. He was always the guy having the most fun in the room, and was willing to go in the direction that the other three moved – an absolute necessity for the success of the group.
There. I’ve said it. Ringo was – and is – a great drummer. Without him, the Beatles may have been just a ‘60s footnote with a single “Greatest Hits” album sold today in the discount bin.